Record-Breaking Hotness Of The Earth Announced This Year; Trump Calls It As 'Hoax'?

First Posted: Nov 28, 2016 05:30 AM EST

Winter Christmas this year may not be like the coldest season as compared before. New report has been released that this month in 2016 will be the hottest on record on the global temperature. As a matter of fact, the northeast point of the globe is more than 36°F or 20°Celsius warmer than it has been in the past decades.

Sean Birkel, a research assistant professor at the University of Maine's Climate Change Institute, reported that the temperature is well-updated every day on, displaying the difference for the Artic temperature that aims to raise awareness about how Artic is heating up overall.

In addition, the data were accurate since Birkel calculates his forecast temperature by comparing the current day's values versus the 1979 to 2000 climate baseline period and the method used was based from the U.S. weather forecast and reanalysis models.

According to Live Science, as a result, "The finding is no surprise to climate scientists who have kept a close eye on the Artic for years. For most of 2016, the Artic has had record-low sea ice and record-high temperatures," said Jennifer Francis, a research professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Science at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Although there are lots of factor behind this inevitable phenomena, the bottom line is, "the broader background is that climate is warming, [and] the Artic is warming every much so, more so than any other part of the globe," Birkel said.

Meanwhile, in recent report by The New York Times, President-elect Donald trump called this human-caused climate change as "hoax" perpetrated by the Chinese. He has vowed to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency "in almost every form" and has named Myron Ebell of the business-backed Competitive Enterprise Institute, who has deep oil industry ties, to head his E.P.A. transition team.

The initial data show that 2016 global temperature are approximately 1.2°Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The landmark climate deal reached by 195 nations in Paris last December commits them in holding off the increase of the temperature to 2°Celsius -- boiling point at which the world could experience a potentially devastating environmental catastrophe.

Finally, President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to pull out from the Paris climate deal. Meaning that countries like the Unites States cannot legally withdraw for four years. However, the Trump administration has many further actions to take to limit the execution of the agreement. The prospect has stimulated an alarm among the world's largest countries and even a warning from China.

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