Nature & Environment

Dolphins Slaughtered by Thousands off Coast of Peru For Shark Bait [VIDEO]

Benita Matilda
First Posted: Oct 24, 2013 09:55 AM EDT

An undercover investigation by a conservation organization has brought to light the indiscriminate killing of thousands of dolphins off the coast of Peru where they are used as shark bait, despite the fact that the practice is outlawed in Peru since 1996.

The video of a fisherman harpooning and skinning the dolphin was recorded and released by a London based Ecologist Film Unit. The non-profit news organization conducted an undercover investigation in which they travelled aboard a shark fishing vessel and recorded the macabre practise. They claim that dolphins are slaughtered throughout Peru.

The video shows how a shark is caught with the help of dolphin..The fishermen chop-off the fish's head and use a knife to peel its skin. They then cut the dolphin into strips and use them as baits to catch sharks.

According to Stefan Austermuhle, executive director of the animal conservation group Mundo Azul said, "even though dolphin killings have been outlawed by Peru's legislature since 1996, fishermen have continued to target the mammals. He estimated more than 10,000 dolphins are being killed every year in Peruvian waters."

The latest report has caused shock and outrage. The government of Peru is planning to take strict measures to curb the massive slaughtering of dolphins.

 "Just minutes after putting out a network posting I had received pledges to undersign a statement to the government of Peru demanding enforcement of laws already on the books making it illegal to kill dolphins," Hardy Jones, executive director of BlueVoice said in a statement.

Jones fears that Peru could be the next Japan- a country recognized as the world's villain in slaughtering dolphins. He is glad that the Peru government is not ignoring the issue and is willing to create an action plan to fight   this barbaric slaughter of dolphins.

Austermuhle argues that as long as shark trade exists, dolphin killing will continue. It is possible to control the sale of dolphin meat, but not its use as shark bait. There is no solution to dolphin killing without controlling the shark fishery.

Austermuhle concludes saying, "The existing data is enough to declare an immediate and unlimited shark fishing ban till scientific studies show the recuperation of the population."

 Shark populations have been depleting around the whole world and yet nothing is done to save them. the fish are considered as a delicacy  in China. This practise of 'finning', is one of the most callous and inhuman practises followed by man. About 100 million sharks are killed each year for their fins.. A bowl of shark fin soup costs $350.


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