Health & Medicine

How to Sustain Skin Care Health Throughout Your Different Life Stages

Thomas Carannante
First Posted: Feb 19, 2014 02:59 PM EST

Acne is a frequent problem for teenagers and some young adults. Skin concerns are not typically thought to be a major issue for older adults, but there are various complications that can surface throughout your 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Your body is constantly changing during the different stages of your life, so we've laid out some tips provided by and Yahoo! Health to help your maintain your skin as you get older.

For starters, these "food facials" can help improve your skin health at any age:

Your 30s: Adult acne can be relatively common in this decade of your life. Stress can worsen dry, irritated skin on the face and hands. To treat this type of acne, talk to your dermatologist about being prescribed medication that contains benzoyl peroxide and retinol. Try using fragrance-free cleansers before seeking prescription medication.

Your 40s: By this age, previous damage done to your skin starts to show up, such as scarring and indentations. It can also involve the first stages of skin cancer. Start orchestrating monthly self-checks for moles, or see a dermatologist that performs such examinations.

Your 50s and beyond: Your body's oil production begins to decrease as you approach middle age, which can cause your skin to become thinner, drier, and itchier. Be sure to consume a lot of hydrating liquids, specifically water and juices that contain vitamin C.

To read more about other ways to improve your skin, visit this Yahoo! Health article.

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