
Belief In Angels May Influence Risky Behaviors

Kathleen Lees
First Posted: Sep 24, 2014 12:51 AM EDT

Do you believe in angels? Recent findings published in the journal SAGE Open show that people who believe in the supernatural are less likely to take risks, despite the "safety-net" from something more.

Findings from a recent survey showed that 68 percent of 198 individuals believed in guardian angels based on how their belief affects and ultimately influences any risks they take.

Furthermore, the majority of those who said they believed in supernatural beings--guardian angels in particular in this experiment--were less likely to take risks than their non-believing counterparts. However, some participants said their belief in the supernatural made them more risky.

"It may be that people who have a tendency to view the world as being risky or potentially dangerous are more inclined to have a belief in personal guardian spirits," researchers noted, in a news release. 

However, what risks meant for each person greatly depended on their cultural background and set of beliefs or lack-there-of.

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