Health & Medicine

Lauren Hill Died Friday Of An Inoperable Brain Tumor, But The Young Girl's Memory Lives On

Kathleen Lees
First Posted: Apr 10, 2015 09:22 PM EDT

Nineteen-year-old basketball player Lauren Hill was an inspiration to others fighting brain cancer. The young girl died from pediatric cancer Friday morning, according to the Associated Press (AP).

She was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor just a little over a year ago. She outlived doctors' estimations, working to fundraise over a million for cancer research and awareness of the health issue.

"Through Lauren's fundraising and advocacy efforts, she not only became a spotlight on the lack of funding for cancer research, but she most certainly has become a beacon guiding researchers for years to come," Brooke Desserich, who co-founded the Cure Starts Now foundation with Hill said according to the AP. 

A prayer service and celebration will soon be held at Mount St. Joseph's campus in Hill's honor.

"We are forever grateful to have had Lauren grace our campus with her smile and determined spirit," added Mount St. Joe president Tony Aretz.

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