Moon Express Becomes First Private Company Ever To Get FAA Approval To Land On Moon
Megha Kedia
First Posted: Aug 09, 2016 05:33 AM EDT
First Posted: Aug 09, 2016 05:33 AM EDT
It seems that days when people will be planning a vacation to the moon isn't far away. California-based private spaceflight company, Moon Express, is the first ever to get an approval from the Federal Aviation Administration to land on the moon. Until now, only national government agencies have launched missions beyond Earth orbit.
Moon Express is planning to land a robotic spacecraft on the lunar surface in 2017. The lander will be equipped with several retroreflectors designed to reflect light back to earth, telescopes and other tools to conduct science experiments and sent back pictures and videos back to Earth. The company also plans to mine for resources on the moon, such as platinum group metals and helium-3, reported PerfScience.
In fact, while on the moon, MoonEx's lander will also compete for the Google Lunar X Prize of $20 million. To be eligible for the prize money, a private entity must land on the moon, travel at least 500 meters from its original position, and beam high-definition video and images back to earth. The company will unveil the spacecraft, known as MX-1, in September. "We are now free to set sail as explorers to Earth's eighth continent, the Moon, seeking new knowledge and resources to expand Earth's economic sphere for the benefit of all humanity", said co-founder Dr Bob Richards, reported The Mirror.
Co-founder and chairman of Moon Express, Naveen Jain, said that the FAA's approval has put the company in league with the superpowers and showcases the capability of a small group of people to accomplish great things, regardless of their background. He added that the company is planning to bring precious resources, metals and moon rocks back to Earth.
"In 15 years, the moon will be an important part of Earth's economy, and potentially our second home," said Jain. "The sky is not the limit for Moon Express - it is the Launchpad. This breakthrough ruling is another giant leap for humanity. Space travel is our only path forward to ensure our survival and create a limitless future for our children."
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