Nature & Environment
Russian Scientists Discover Biblical Evidence Of Noah's Floodwater Beneath World's Deepest Hole
Leon Lamb
First Posted: Nov 22, 2016 03:20 AM EST
First Posted: Nov 22, 2016 03:20 AM EST
A recent discovery beneath the 12-kilometer deep Kola Borehole was said to have given evidence to "The Great Flood" that happened during the biblical time of Noah.
Express UK reports that Russian scientists unearthed the world's deepest hole in Murmansk Oblast, Russia, and discovered a surprising theory. While they were expecting to find solid, dry rocky layers underneath the Kola Superdeep Borehole, the geological experts were stunned to see huge amount of water, suggesting that the composition of the Earth is not just limited to crust, mantle and core.
The news outlet added that the group, Plano Existential, that published a video of the unearthing claimed that this was where the floodwater described in the Book of Genesis receded. As recorded in the Bible, the floodwater covered all the earth, rising to more than 22 feet above the highest mountain peaks due to non-stop rain. The floodwater then began to recede after 150 days of what was believed to be God's punishment.
"Rock shouldn't be porous but there's water there, supporting the claim that there was a great flood covering the entire earth," the video narrator commented.
This claim of biblical evidence just occurred weeks after the unsealing of the tomb of Jesus Christ beneath the 18th Century Edicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City.
According to the National Geographic, the researchers were amazed to discover that the burial bed, where the body of who Christians believe to be the Redeemer of their sins resurrected, remained intact through time since his death in A.D. 33. The group was also able to confirm that the cave wall of Christ's tomb was made up of limestone. This revelation astounded archeologists considering the deconstruction, reconstruction and damage of the surrounding of the church.
"All of this is perfectly consistent with what we know about how wealthy Jews disposed of their dead in the time of Jesus," said archaeologist and National Geographic grantee Jodi Magness. "This does not, of course, prove that the event was historical. But what it does suggest is that whatever the sources were for the gospel accounts, they were familiar with this tradition and these burial customs."
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