Health & Medicine
Consuming A Glass Of Wine Everyday Can Reduce Risk Of Stroke, Study Claims
Johnson D
First Posted: Nov 26, 2016 05:25 AM EST
First Posted: Nov 26, 2016 05:25 AM EST
It has been known that consuming alcohol can affect one's health. However, a recent study claims that people who drink one or two large glasses of wine a day are less likely to suffer from the most common type of stroke.
According to The Independent, light and moderate alcohol consumption, classed as up to two drinks per day, is associated with a 9 percent reduced risk in suffering an ischemic stroke, while women who drink just one glass or less of alcohol per day were 12 percent less at risk. Ischemic stroke is caused by a blocked brain artery and accounts for about 88 percent of all strokes.
The research by the Karolinska Institutet and University of Cambridge also found that heavier drinking, of any type of alcohol, increased the risks of all types of strokes. However, the research, published by the BioMed Central journal, admits that alcohol consumption is still linked with high cholesterol levels and hemorrhagic strokes.
Lead author Dr. Susanna Larsson said, "Whether light-to-moderate alcohol consumption, generally defined as one to two drinks per day, is protective against cardiovascular disease remains a controversial topic."
"Alcohol consumption in moderation has been associated with increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, improved insulin sensitivity, and decreased levels of fibrinogen and inflammatory markers," she added.
However, the study also found that drinking more than this significantly increased the risk of all types of strokes. And light to moderate alcohol intake did not protect against less common types of strokes -- known as intra-cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage, reported The Telegraph.
Meanwhile, lead author Dr. Susanna Larsson from the Karolinska Institutet near Stockholm, who conducted the research with the University of Cambridge, had a total sample of 18,289 ischemic stroke cases, 2,299 intra-cerebral hemorrhage cases and 1,164 subarachnoid hemorrhage cases.
"Previous research has found an association between alcohol consumption and lower levels of fibrinogen; a protein in the body which helps the formation of blood clots," said lead author Dr. Susanna Larsson.
"While this may explain the association between light to moderate alcohol consumption and lower ischemic stroke risk, the adverse effect of alcohol consumption on blood pressure, a major risk factor for stroke, may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke and outweigh any potential benefit," she added.
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