Health & Medicine

Baby Born After Mom Killed: Premature Birth After Hit-and-Run Driver Fled Car Accident, Killing Parents

Kathleen Lees
First Posted: Mar 03, 2013 04:43 PM EST

Police report that after a hit-and-run driver and passenger fled an accident this Saturday that killed a young couple on their way to the hospital to have their first baby, the child fortunately made it out alive.

According to Reuters, an Orthodox Jewish couple were on their way to the hospital when a police spokeswoman said a male drive and female passenger BMW sedan struck the side of a cab that was taking them to the hospital.

Raizi Gluber, the mother, and Nathan Gluber, the father, both 21 years old, were pronounced dead at separate hospitals, according to reports. However, doctors were able to deliver a premature infant boy according to police reports.

The driver of the livery cab was listed in stable condition at Bellevue Hospital, police said.

"Upon impact, the male driver and additional occupant of Vehicle #2 fled the scene on foot, leaving the vehicle behind," police said in a statement.

A funeral was scheduled for Sunday in the largely Orthodox Jewish district of Williamsburg in the New York borough of Brooklyn, according to the website Vos Iz Neias, which describes itself as the voice of the Orthodox Jewish community.

The Clarion Ledger reports that the Glubers were married about a year ago and had settled down in Williamsburg to be close to Raizy's prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbinical family. A friend of the family, Isaac Abraham, said that the community was broken up about the death of Raizi and Nathan Gluber.

Abraham said: "How can the community react? It's a shock. It's like a punch in the gut. People are not prepared for this. Parents are not prepared to bury their children."

As there are high reports of car accidents in America, often resulting in dangerous and deadly consequences, some might say it is a miracle that the child made it out relatively unscathed by the event. 

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