Health & Medicine
NYC Mayor Proposes to Keep Tobacco out of Sight in Stores
Staff Reporter
First Posted: Mar 19, 2013 08:55 AM EDT
A statement from the city's health department says a bill unveiled by New York's Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg March 18 requires tobacco products to be kept out of sight from customers, reports LiveScience.
According to the proposed law, the tobacco products should be kept in cabinets, drawers, under the counter or behind a curtain.
The main goal behind this proposal is to reduce smoking among young people. According to health officials, cigarette display increases the chances of youth getting addicted to the habit of smoking.
According to The New York Times, "Bloomberg, who recently saw his effort to ban large cups of sugary drinks get shot down by the courts, also wants City Council to jack up the penalties for the smuggling and illegal sales of cigarettes."
According to Bloomberg, for youth who are a target to the ads and have easy access to cigarettes, this law will prevent other generations from the dangers of smoking and will also increase their life span, reports LiveScience.
Prior to this, similar bills were passed in 2001 in Iceland and 2005 in Canada. If this bill is passed, it will be the first of its kind in the nation.
Smoking has been banned by his administration in all public places including parks, plazas, restaurants, beaches and bars, reports UPI.
According to Dr. Thomas A. Farley, the health commissioner, smoking is the leading cause of death among New Yorkers. Such a comprehensive anti-smoking program can reduce the adult smoking rate by a third. In 2002 it was 21.5 percent and 2011 it was 14.8 prevent, reports Fox News.
The bill will be introduced in the City Council Wednesday.
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First Posted: Mar 19, 2013 08:55 AM EDT
A statement from the city's health department says a bill unveiled by New York's Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg March 18 requires tobacco products to be kept out of sight from customers, reports LiveScience.
According to the proposed law, the tobacco products should be kept in cabinets, drawers, under the counter or behind a curtain.
The main goal behind this proposal is to reduce smoking among young people. According to health officials, cigarette display increases the chances of youth getting addicted to the habit of smoking.
According to The New York Times, "Bloomberg, who recently saw his effort to ban large cups of sugary drinks get shot down by the courts, also wants City Council to jack up the penalties for the smuggling and illegal sales of cigarettes."
According to Bloomberg, for youth who are a target to the ads and have easy access to cigarettes, this law will prevent other generations from the dangers of smoking and will also increase their life span, reports LiveScience.
Prior to this, similar bills were passed in 2001 in Iceland and 2005 in Canada. If this bill is passed, it will be the first of its kind in the nation.
Smoking has been banned by his administration in all public places including parks, plazas, restaurants, beaches and bars, reports UPI.
According to Dr. Thomas A. Farley, the health commissioner, smoking is the leading cause of death among New Yorkers. Such a comprehensive anti-smoking program can reduce the adult smoking rate by a third. In 2002 it was 21.5 percent and 2011 it was 14.8 prevent, reports Fox News.
The bill will be introduced in the City Council Wednesday.
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