End Of The World News Is Fake: Media Failed To Trace Back The Perpetrator Of The News
First Posted: Jan 30, 2017 03:20 AM EST
First Posted: Jan 30, 2017 03:20 AM EST
Ancient civilizations and modern doomsday theorists have been proposing that the end of the world in upon us. The supposedly scheduled date keeps changing and so does the way it will happen. The most recent theory was proposed by astronomer Dr. Dyomin Damir Zakharovich, who said that the 2016 WF9 asteroid is coming straight toward Earth and it will impact the planet on Feb. 25, 2017.
According to the The Sun, the impact will initiate a chain of tsunamis, which will affect most parts of the world and wipe out the human population inhabiting in those regions.
The theory became increasingly popular within a few days, because NASA has also announced that the 2016 WF9 asteroid can be seen on Earth's orbit on the same date. However, NASA clarified that the asteroid will be flying 32 million miles away from Earth and has little chances of making an impact, reported.
Even if it does make its way toward Earth, the asteroid is only 0.3 and 0.6 miles in diameter and will incinerate while making its way past the Earth's atmosphere.
But Zakharovich says, "NASA is lying through its teeth. It is not conceivable that they do not know the truth. We have seen the data." He also added that, "The object they call WF9 left the Nibiru system in October when Nibiru began spinning counter clockwise around the sun. Since then, NASA has known it will hit Earth. But they are only telling people now."
The New Daily tried to do a background check on the news and tried to contact Dr. Zakharovich for more updates. However, they found out that there is no such real astronomer named Dr. Zakharovich. The name is neither affiliated to any university nor does it appear in any publications.
Jonti Horner, astronomer at the University of Southern Queensland, said, "On one hand it's quite funny, on the other it's quite scary that they've reported something that is so categorically wrong in a manner that's likely to make people very worried and concerned." He also pointed out that, "When it doesn't happen, we'll have the backlash of 'scientists get it wrong again' and it'll add to the anti-science sentiment."
Given the increasing number of fake science news being published online, experts suggest that it will be foolish to believe whatever news that gets published, which often lacks scientific evidence. It may lead to chaos in the society, especially if it is about something as sensitive as the end of the world.
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