'Is Genesis History?' How Was Everything Created In Six Days?
Leon Lamb
First Posted: Feb 08, 2017 03:20 AM EST
First Posted: Feb 08, 2017 03:20 AM EST
In the new film Is Genesis History?, documentary host Dr. Del Tackett spent a year interviewing astronomers, biologists, geologists, archeologists and Bible experts to present evidence supporting the historic claims on the biblical account of Creation.
CBN News reported that the documentary-type film Is Genesis History? showing nationwide on Feb. 23 will provide scientific arguments on the historical basis of the biblical book. With views from various scientists and scholars, Dr. Tackett aims to help the audience, including himself, "better understand the world we see around us."
"I am convinced that the historicity of Genesis is true. It's not a poem, it's not an analogy," Tackett told Faithwire. "It really is the eyewitness account that God gave to us."
While some people dismiss the biblical account as fictitious, Dr. Tackett figured that these claims must have been influenced by the popular "deep time" paradigm, claiming that the universe has evolved to what it is now in an elongated timeframe of millions or billions of years. However, this explanation does not align with Genesis' six-day narrative, which gives an account of how an all-powerful God created the heavens and the Earth in less than a week.
"I clearly believe that God created the world in those six days... and so I believe that's what God did in just the same way that Jesus turned water into wine," he explained. "If a scientist were trying to look at the wine that Jesus made he would have to come to the conclusion that it had been fermenting for years and years."
In the film, Dr. Tacket, creator of The Truth Project, interviewed microbiologist Kevin Anderson, biologist Todd Wood, marine biologist Robert Carter, geologists Steve Austin and Andrew Snelling, astronomer Danny Faulkner, archeologist Douglas Petrovich, taphonomist Arthur Chadwick, herbraist Steve Boyd, paleontologists Marcus Ross and Kurt Wise, philosopher of science Paul Nelson and Pastor George Grant, DLitt, DMin, PhD to share their knowledge and insights on this debate.
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