Health & Medicine
Dannon Yogurt Criticized for Using Food Dye Made out of Beetles
Kathleen Lees
First Posted: Jul 25, 2013 11:06 PM EDT
First Posted: Jul 25, 2013 11:06 PM EDT
Health officials have recently revealed that Dannon's yogurt products may contain a creepy-crawly secret responsible for its color. Known as carmine, this color additive is created by crushing the bodies of cochineal beetles. Though these insects are not known to be dangerous as many other cultures and countries eat them on a stick, the center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is not incredibly happy to have find out about this little secret.
According to the CSPI, Dannon should have been more straight forward about this information as this could affect the strict dietary guidelines of some vegetarians or others who may have allergies.
"Any of our products that contain carmine clearly list it as an ingredient," the senior director of public relations at Dannon, Michael J. Neuwirth said according to the Huffington Post. "Anyone who wishes to avoid it can." Neuwirth also stated that people with strict diets often peruse ingredient lists carefully.
Various reports indicate that carmine is present in Dannon's strawberry, cherry, boysenberry and raspberry flavored yogurts. However, it's only when you look under the "fruit on the bottom" line that this information is discussed. Carmine is also used in some of the brand's other products, including strawberry flavored greek yogurt and the blueberry flavor of the "light and Fit Greek" yogurt, as well as the pomegranate berry flavor of the "Light and Fit" yogurt.
If you're curious about why some companies have chosen to use or hide their use of carmin, rest assured that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has at least listed carmine as safe. However, CSPI is still advocating that it be removed.
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