ISS crew members successfully accomplished a long-planned spacewalk.
Reaching beyond the stars in deep space will now be possible.
MIT researchers discovered the strongest yet lightest material on Earth that is about 10 times sturdier than steel.
Climate change is putting polar bear population under serious threat.
Scientists forecasting the appearance of a new star has much bigger implications to the coming of the Messiah as prophesied by Balaam.
Researchers discovered two new mosquitoes that could transmit viruses to humans in Florida.
Ethiopia is yet another country with hopes of launching a rocket to space.
Dr. Jeanette Epps will be the first female African-American to board the ISS.
Google announced a new feature in Google Calendar, which allows people to connect with Google Fit and Apple Health.
Planet-sized gas balls are a form of the galaxy's black hole fart.
Eric Trump raises around $16.3 million for a hospital; the sad news is that he will somehow be "forced" to stop.
NASA researchers answer why the Moon particles levitate.