
Jade Industry In Henan Credit: Jade Industry In Henan
Oct 18, 2016 05:08 AM EDT

A Massive Jade Stone Worth Up To $170 Million Uncovered In Burma

Miners found a huge jade stone as big as two small houses worth up to $170 million in Burma.

Cage Diving With Great White Sharks In South Africa
Oct 18, 2016 05:07 AM EDT

Great White Shark Breaks Into An Observation Cage Occupied By A Diver (Video)

A diver had luckily escaped and unharmed after a great white shark broke into a cage off the coast of Mexico.

Oct 18, 2016 05:00 AM EDT

Gold Coast 'Zombie Drug': What's Behind The Mass Overdose?

A Gold Coast 'zombie drug' is believed to have caused the mass overdose that harmed 16 people. Speculations say the victims took the synthetic drug flakka.

Antibody therapy for HIV
Oct 18, 2016 05:00 AM EDT

Study Reveals, New Antibody Therapy Can Treat HIV

Here comes a good news! A study conducted has revealed that the new antibody therapy can treat HIV and yeild positive result in future.

18,000 Species Of Birds
Oct 18, 2016 05:00 AM EDT

Monitoring Wild Birds' Migration Routes Could Provide Early Warning Of Potential Bird Flu Outbreaks

The new recommendation came after a new research showed that migratory birds can help to spread deadly strains of avian flu around the world.

Juno Mission
Oct 18, 2016 04:55 AM EDT

NASA Delays Plan To Put Juno Closer To Jupiter 'Til December 2016

NASA has delayed the burn of the main rocket motor of Juno spacecraft to Jupiter until December 2016. The burn aims at putting the space craft closer to Jupiter.

Scientists found a way to induce visual hallucinations in healthy people without the use of drugs.
Oct 18, 2016 04:40 AM EDT

Scientists Induces Visual Hallucinations In Healthy People Without Using Drugs, Here's How

Although visual hallucinations are often experienced by people with disorders such as Schizophrenia or Parkinson's disease, visual hallucinations in healthy individuals suggests these complex experiences share a common underlying mechanism with normal visual perception.

Mobile World Congress - Day 1
Oct 17, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: New Information About Exploding Batteries Leaked

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been in a huge problem in the past few weeks. The technology giant has already lost much in the calamity brought upon it by the batteries of their premium smartphone. In this crucial time, there comes some crucial information relating to the testing of the batteries.

HTC Bolt Specs Rumors, Release Date, Price
Oct 17, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

HTC Bolt Specs Rumors, Release Date, Price: New Handset Picture Gets Leaked? First HTC Handset To Run Android 7.0 Nougat?

New reports suggest HTC Bolt will be the first HTC branded smartphone to come running Google latest Android 7.0 Nougat straight out of the box.

Sun Flare
Oct 17, 2016 05:52 AM EDT

Proxima Centauri Star Is More Like Sun Than Thought: What Does It Imply For Proxima B?

Scientists have recently discovered an interesting similarity of Proxima Centauri with the Sun.

Rings of Uranus
Oct 17, 2016 05:51 AM EDT

Uranus May Have Two More Undiscovered Moons

Does Uranus have two more moons that have still not been discovered?

Farmers Decide Yea Or Nay On Genetically Modified Crops
Oct 17, 2016 05:43 AM EDT

Move Over Milk: Consuming Soy Protein-Rich Diet Early In Life Can Help Prevent Bone Loss In Adulthood

A new research revealed that soy protein in childhood may prevent bone loss in adulthood

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