
Space Animals
Aug 31, 2016 06:14 AM EDT

67 Years Of Space Travel: Why Do We Still Send Animals To Space?

Since science has proved time and again that humans can survive the extra-terrestrial trip, a question arises that why countries still send monkeys and other living creatures up into space?

Fragments Of An Exploded Star
Aug 31, 2016 06:10 AM EDT

Astronomers Baffled By Odd Behavior Of Age-Defying Star

IRAS 19312 shows odd characteristics of a very young star and a very old star, which confuses astronomers.

Samsung Galaxy C9
Aug 31, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

Samsung Galaxy S8: Most Anticipated Leaks on Specs, Design And New Features Are Here

We are simply too excited to what Samsung S8 will offer next year, so here are some of the unofficial specs features and design changes about our favorite Android smartphone.

Colon Cancer Treatment
Aug 31, 2016 05:49 AM EDT

Colon Cancer Treatment: Vitamin A Compound ‘Retinoic Acid’ Highly Effective, New Study Finds

A new study has found that retinoic acid, a compound derived from vitamin A, can play a major role in treating and suppressing colon cancer.

Sony Smartwatch
Aug 31, 2016 05:48 AM EDT

Sony FES Watch U Specs, Release Date, News: Will It Finally Be Released Worldwide?

The updated FES Watch shows that the wrist wear features both an e-ink display and an e-ink band.

Suicide Prevention Day.jpg
Aug 31, 2016 05:45 AM EDT

World Suicide Prevention Day: 'Connect, Communicate, Care'

Be a part of the World Suicide Prevention Day on September 16, 2016. Save a precious life!

The researchers claims that the app's accuracy in detecting early signs of stoke is accurate.
Aug 31, 2016 05:42 AM EDT

Early Detection of Stroke Can Be Done Using A Smartphone App

A group of researchers developed an algorithm and an app that will utilize existing sensors in our smartphones to detect early signs of stroke.

First-ever sequencing of DNA in space, performed by Kate Rubins on the ISS. 128f0462 sequencer 1.jpg
Aug 31, 2016 05:13 AM EDT

First DNA Sequencing In Space Opens To A New World Of Scientific, Medical Possibilities

DNA sequencing is possible in space and this could help astronauts diagnose illness and detect microbes on International Space Station.

SpaceX rocket will soon be competing with UCLA rockets.
Aug 31, 2016 04:30 AM EDT

ULA Challenges SpaceX In Commercial Space Services

A new player is now planning take over SpaceX's success. Now both parties are refueling their technologies to develop better technologies for future space explorations.

Daily Life With The New Zealand Police Dog Unit
Aug 31, 2016 04:26 AM EDT

Dogs Can Understand What You Say And How You Say It More Than You Know, Study Reveals

Researchers have found that dogs can process both meanings and intonations of specific words, and such ability surpasses the traditional credit given to them.

South Sumatra Governor Takes Aerial Tour Deforested Regions
Aug 31, 2016 03:10 AM EDT

It’s Official: Earth Enters Anthropocene Epoch, Leaves Holocene

After several years of being unofficially used, the idea of Anthropocene is on its way to becoming official. Humans have done things that have greatly changed the Earth.

Fiat Chrysler Reaches Last Minute Deal With Unifor
Aug 30, 2016 06:56 AM EDT

Fiat Chrysler-Samsung Partnership Update: Fiat Chrysler CEO Set Eyes On Samsung For Partnership, Will Samsung Agree?

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne is considering a partnership with Samsung Electronics Co.

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