If you think sloths are just lazy animals, you're wrong: they are slow because they need to survive.
Divorce rates peak two months out of every year: March and August.
NASA launched a free open access journal called PubSpace to permanently preserve and easily provide references and sources to scientists and researchers.
Counterfeit potent drugs were discovered in Prince's estate confirming his accidental fentanyl overdose after assessing official reports and laboratory tests.
Women's exposure to nature could mean high mortality rates, according to a research.
The fearless astronauts conquer the space with their breathtaking spacewalks. Here's how.
So go grab your VR headsets in see mars just like how mesmerizing Mars is.
Experts believe that there is a chance the universe is filled with microscopic black holes that formed ages ago.
Are men more affected than women when they take Marijuana? Research leads us to answers.
A recent study revealed that those with low job satisfaction and downward trending careers reported more physical compared to those in the high satisfaction group.
Turn your Android smartphone into a laptop? Yes you can with Superbook.
Will there be a potential threat to the satellites?