Apple releases ReplayKit app that allows simultaneous live stream support .
Recent reports suggest Microsoft highly anticipated Surface Pro 5 release date will not happen until 2017.
LELO has an interestingly designed condom and they have an equally interesting personality to promote it, Charlie Sheen.
Around-the-world atmospheric mission of NASA is set for a preview on July 7 at the Armstrong Fligh Research Center in Palmdale, California.
The Cassini spacecraft recently sent back images of Saturn that show a strange disturbance in its F ring.
Lifestyle habits such as sedentary behavior and poor physical fitness may root from chronic pains in childhood.
An extinct meteorite that does not fall on the Earth anymore may have been discovered.
Asymmetric molecule crucial to life on Earth has been discovered by scientists in a vast cloud of gas and dust near the Milky Way galaxy.
Eating whole grains such as brown rice, oats and Weetabix could prevent an early death, research suggests.
Young, small and faint stars can have a negative effect on the formation of would-be planets.
The US Air Force has reportedly lost more than 100,000 internal investigation records owing to a database crash.
Carbon nanotube would not be enough to build a space elevator.