Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics found that some exoplanets have similar interiors like the Earth. These planets contain a crust, mantle and a core just like Earth.
Climate change is going to make a lot more changes to our environment than anyone expected.
Researchers find that patients who suffer with PTSD together with sleep apnea may have a reduced quality of life.
Wolf species apparently have "language" dialects just like humans. Researchers have found that wolves have howling dialects.
Hubble captures the image of NGC 1487, an unusual galaxy that was formed from the merger of two other galaxies.
Scientists have taken a closer look at our human ancestors and have found a bit more about what their diet may have been like.
It turns out that predators may have the advantage when motor boat noise is involved.
Researchers have announced that they've found a new kind of beautiful, luminous creature.
Could cognitive behavioral therapy change brain volume?
Meditation may be helpful for U.S. veterans when it comes to managing chronic pain, according to a recent study.
Do you know why it's important to rest after a concussion?
When older adults stop driving, a new study examines how it affects their health.