Each year, a tiny insect conducts one of the most staggering migrations for any animal. The monarch butterfly flies 3,000 miles from Canada and the U.S. to Mexico for the winter.
Lunch time is an important period to relax and take in some nutritious food. Yet recent findings published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reveal that eating shorter lunch periods can impact whether students make healthier choices.
Staying physically active into old age can help your mind stay fit, too.
New findings published in Science Advances show that Mexican cavefish require between 5 to 15 percent of their total energy budget for well-equipped eyes.
Scientists have discovered traces of two enormous meteorite impacts in Sweden. The twin strike occurred around 460 million years ago, and may reveal a bit more about our planet's early history.
It turns out that ocean acidification may impact oceans more than expected.
We may be in for massive sea level rises if we continue to burn fossil fuels.
New findings published in JAMA Psychiatry reveal that men with low resting heart rates are more likely to be convicted of a crime.
Some people buy flowers to woo their partners. For others, it's jewelry. For mice, it's song.
Previous studies have shown too much time spent on social media can increase the risk of anxiety. Now, new findnigs published in the journal British Psychological Society Developmental and Social Psychology Section.
If you're depressed, just eat some fish? Wait a minute.
You know the saying that a "man's heart is through his stomach?" Well, there's some truth that, but unfortunately, we're not referring to romance in this case.