Research Proves Parents of Obese Children Underestimate their Weight

First Posted: Feb 05, 2014 07:44 AM EST

A new study reveals that nearly 51 percent parents of overweight or obese children don't think their children have a weight problem.

 The University of Nebraska- Lincoln reviewed 69 studies involving 15,000 children of 2 years and above. The researchers had the parents assess their child's size using pictures, rating scales and other methods. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements of these children were also recorded.  The results showed nearly, 51 percent of the parents thought their overweight child was normal or underweight or their obese child was just healthy.

 The authors did the same analysis looking at 52 studies involving 65,000 normal weight children and found 14 percent of parents thought their child was underweight.

Alyssa Lundhal, the lead researcher, University of Nebraska, said in a press release, "No matter where you are and no matter what the rate of obesity is in that area, parents are still underestimating the weight of their overweight children."

 With the obesity rate tripling in the U.S since the last 30 years, this research helps determine how parental perception on children's weight plays a role in obesity prevention and treatment. While some parents do not address weight issues to avoid labeling and stigmatizing, others are less accurate in judging the size of their children thinking their children are underweight.   

"We know that parents play a very crucial role in preventing childhood obesity, and interventions are most successful if they involve parents." said Ludhal. She added that Irrespective of the size and weight of the children, parents must always encourage healthy eating and physical activity, reports Reuters.

Overweight 2-to 5 -year olds are five times more likely to be obese by the age of 12 and obesity in adolescence is highly predictive of adult weight issues, suggests the reports. The study is published in the journal pediatrics

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