Research!America Responds to President Obama's FY2013 Budget

First Posted: Feb 13, 2012 04:02 PM EST

Research!America Chair, former Congressman John Edward Porter says President Obama's budget is a mixed bag for science and innovation, increasing investment in some areas while shortchanging other key agencies.

"The president's recommendation for NIH fails to capitalize on the power of this funding to drive new businesses, new jobs and new treatments," said Porter. "We simply cannot freeze investments in biomedical research. The consequences would be disastrous as global competition intensifies."

According to recent polls commissioned by Research!America, 77 percent of Americans agree that the U.S is losing its competitive edge in science, technology and innovation.

"Congress needs to do the hard work of tax and entitlement reform while protecting investments that make absolute sense for our country," Porter added. "Now is the time for swift action on behalf of science to preserve our future."

Research!America president and CEO Mary Woolley expressed concerns about the significant cut to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She also urged Congress to set priorities that will sustain the full spectrum of health research from discovery to delivery.

"While we appreciate that the President increased funding for some key research agencies and promoted priorities like the National Center for the Translational Sciences and combating Alzheimer's disease, we strongly believe a frozen budget for the NIH will flat line medical breakthroughs in the coming years and stifle the business and job creation that begins with research and development," said Woolley. "Researchers will leave the field, potential breakthroughs will be shelved and new business opportunities grounded in medical discovery will evaporate as research institutions struggle with leaner budgets."

Provided by Research!America

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