Salmonella Outbreak: Dog Chews Recalled

First Posted: Dec 31, 2014 06:24 AM EST

A nationwide recall has been issued for a brand of dog chews that have been contaminated with salmonella, according to health officials.

The Virginia-based food company said that after a routine testing, the Colorado Department of Agriculture found traces of salmonella in the product. Fortunately, at this time, no additional products have been affected by the recall and company officials haven't received any illness reports regarding people or animals at this time.

This type of food poisoning can result in diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, cramps and other related symptoms that typically develop within 12 to 72 hours following the infection period. These are critical to look for if you believe your pet may have been infected.

The length of a salmonella infection is also known to last around four to seven days depending on the strength of the bacteria.. Though most recover without treatment, diarrhea and dehydration may be so severe that it is necessary to go to the hospital. Older adults, infants, and those who have impaired immune systems are at highest risk.

For a full refund, pet owners have been asked to return all unused products to the store they bought it from, along with a completed product recall claim form available on the Barkworthies website.

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