Hostile Bosses: Some Battles Are Worth Fighting For

First Posted: Jan 22, 2015 01:47 PM EST

Is an eye for an eye the answer? New findings published in the journal Personnel Psychology show it may be, at least when it comes to that boss who's a bit of a bully. 

Findings revealed that employees who did not stand up to a hostile supervisor felt less satisfied with their job and less committed to their work. However, when they chose to step up and say something, they were more likely to help make positive changes in the workplace. In other words, flat out ignoring the problem wasn't the best idea.

"Before we did this study, I thought there would be no upside to employees who retaliated against their bosses, but that's not what we found," said lead study author Bennett Tepper, a professor of management and human resources at Ohio State University, in a news release. "The best situation is certainly when there is no hostility. But if your boss is hostile, there appears to be benefits to reciprocating. Employees felt better about themselves because they didn't just sit back and take the abuse."

Although saying something in this type of situation can seem dangerous, Tepper suggested that earning admiration and respect of co-workers might also be enough of a reason to fight back.

"There is a norm of reciprocity in our society. We have respect for someone who fights back, who doesn't just sit back and take abuse. Having the respect of co-workers may help employees feel more committed to their organization and happy about their job," he added, via Health Day

However, it's important to pick and choose the right battles to fight. After all, something small probably isn't worth it (especially if your job could be at stake.) 

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