New Injectable To Help Remove Fat Cells In Patients With Double Chins

First Posted: Mar 13, 2015 02:00 AM EDT

Cosmetic doctors are working to cure the excess fat that many struggle with underneath their chin. 

An advisory panel for the Food and Drug Administration unanimously approved ATX-101, an injectable that busts up those lollygagging fat cells in the chin via deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring intestinal secretion that emulsifies fat during digestion.

"The trend has been finding things that are non-invasive, with little to no risk, little to no down time, that can make an improvement," said plastic surgeon Dr. Leo McCafferty, via CBS News.

"It doesn't involve a very expensive piece of equipment, like a laser which might cost $100,000. It involves a syringe, the product and the needle," Dr. McCafferty added.

As it stands, neck lifts and liposuction are the only available options for this kind of cosmetic issue. Health officials are predicting that, once on the market, the new injectable will be much less expensive and somewhat similar in price to that of a botox treatment.

However, not all double chins are created equal. The injection is best suited for those with good skin tone. It will not, however, tighten lose and excess skin, but merely shrink fat cells via the injected area. 

The FDA's final decision regarding the injectable is expected to be determined in May, according to officials.

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