Buddha 'Statue' Discovered on Mars in New NASA Curiosity Rover Image

First Posted: Oct 19, 2015 09:27 AM EDT

After news of extraterrestrials, the public is primed for more sightings. In this case, though, it's a Buddha statue on Mars-sort of. An outcropping of rock on the Red Planet looks strangely like a statue from Earth.

In this case, NASA's Curiosity rover beamed back images to Earth of an outcropping of rock. With Martian winds and erosion, this rock has eroded to look a bit like a human statue. Of course, there are other theories of exactly how this "statue" formed.

Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily wrote that "This photo alone should be enough to convince the United Nations that intelligent life once existed on Mars, but NASA doesn't want anyone to know the truth, because they will be asked to share the info and technology they have found."

While it's unlikely that intelligent life existed on Mars, there are some exciting discoveries that NASA has released recently. It turns out that there is liquid water on the Red Planet, which may mean that there is or was some kind of alien life on the planet. With that said, this type of life is probably microbial in nature rather than the type of intelligent life we see on Earth.

And while there may not be intelligent life on Mars, there could be intelligent life elsewhere. A new study on the light from a distant star may hint at an alien megastructure of some kind.

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