When the Barbeque Party Goes Wrong

First Posted: Jul 05, 2012 04:23 AM EDT

Then here's something you need to worry!! In the recent years, there have been numerable cases where people were rushed to the hospital after having attended a BBQ party. It's not because of the food consumed but due to the ingestion of grill cleaning brush wires. 

Hosting barbeque parties is an American tradition. No matter whether it is July 4th or any other celebration, you will notice someone in your area is barbequing. The reason of for organizing an outdoor BBQ is because the food that comes from barbequing has a taste that is unmatched by any other cooking methods and also it is a reason for families to gather together.

But this ebullient celebration can crumble down into a dreadful episode of life if one is not careful.  While organizing such parties most of us keep in mind certain safety issues such as making sure kids don't drown into the pool, you're not loaded with extra alcohol and so on. But did you watch the grill surface of your BBQ before roasting the food?

Then here's something you need to worry!! In the recent years, there have been numerable cases where people were rushed to the hospital after having attended a BBQ party. It's not because of the food consumed but due to the ingestion of grill cleaning brush wires.

According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the doctors at the Rhode Island hospital had six cases between March 2011 and June 2012. These patients were between the age group 31-64 in which five were men. The doctors were able to scan the bristles in the body. It was observed that in three cases the main symptom in patients was pain while swallowing while the other three complained of pain in the abdomen which is a primary symptom.

Injuries Range From Puncture to Perforation

CDC says "the severity of injury ranged from puncture of the soft tissues of the neck, causing severe pain on swallowing, to perforation of the gastrointestinal tract requiring emergent surgery."

It usually goes unnoticed by many, while cleaning the griller the bristles break off and they stick to the grill and later stick to the food that is being placed on it. According to CDC, the Consumer Products Safety Commission is looking into whether some brushes are defective.

Something that needs to be answered is what kind of brushes is more likely to leave behind stray brushes and what kind of meat is more likely to pick them up. But people who love to host BBQ parties and the ones who enjoy attending an outdoor BBQ need to be extra careful of watching the meat before gulping it down.

Medical staff members continue to conduct surveillance for additional cases of injury from ingested wire grill-cleaning brush bristles treated in the hospital system. And awareness of this potential injury among health-care professionals is critical to facilitate timely diagnosis and treatment. CDC says that awareness among the public, manufacturers who make wire grill-cleaning brushes, and retailers who sell these products can reduce exposures and decrease the likelihood of further occurrences.

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