Internet Will Move At Speed Of Light, Be Open Sourced In The Future, Study Reveals New Findings

First Posted: Jan 27, 2016 11:33 AM EST

Researchers have developed a new technology that can revolutionize the online world, where the Internet's infrastructure could be open and programmable, and Internet traffic will be driven at the speed of light, according to a study by the High Performance Networks (HPN) group at the University of Bristol.

"The technologies suggested could pave the way for the creation of new Internet services and applications not previously possible or disruptive," Dimitra Simeonidou, lead author of the study, said in a news release. "The technologies could also potentially change the balance of power from vendors and operators that are monopolizing the current Internet infrastructure to wider users and service providers."

The researchers developed a new high performance network infrastructure, which uses light to transport Internet traffic and it is open and programmable. Numerous Internet technologies have been created, however, many of these systems fail to create new, revolutionary Internet applications, according to the researchers. The new development introduces an open source optical Internet that is enabled by optical white box and software defined network technologies.

"Hardware and software technologies reported in this paper can potentially revolutionize optical network infrastructure, said Dr. Reza Nejabati, coauthor of the study. "These technologies will hide complexity of optical networks and open them up for traditional programmers and application developers to create new type of Internet applications taking advantages of speed of light."

The findings of study were published in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

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