Gluten is Not Bad for Average Person

First Posted: Aug 01, 2012 07:56 AM EDT

One of the latest trends observed in the food market is the demand for gluten free products. Snack giant Frito-Lay has announced it will introduce new gluten-free labels and products, and Miley Cyrus has credited her recent weight loss to a gluten-free diet.

Gluten a protein composite that is found in foods processed from wheat and other grains helps in giving elasticity to the dough that help it to rise and keep in shape.

But according to the experts in Kansas State University, going gluten free might be a good call that some individuals make for themselves. But they state that products with a gluten free label do not necessarily be healthy.

Kathryn Deschenes, a Kansas State University master's student in food science from Ellsworth is a victim of celiac disease. She always opted for gluten free products. Those with celiac disease that is a digestive disorder triggered by eating gluten often experience symptoms like nausea and diarrhea.

"It can have funny symptoms like depression, acid reflux and it can stunt children's growth," Deschenes said.

In order to answer the question of how healthy is d gluten free food, Mark Haub, associate professor and interim head of Kansas State University's department of human nutrition in the College of Human Ecology did a complete study on whole grains and dietary fiber.

He found that a gluten free product mainly consists of many calories as gluten options. A gram of sorghum, corn or rice flour appears to be metabolically similar to a gram of wheat flour. He suggests that Gluten isn't bad for an average person.

"People have been eating wheat, rye and barley for thousands of years, and there are people who live to be 100 who eat wheat products and don't seem to exhibit any types of health issues," he said. "Gluten-free diets are now being adopted by people without celiac disease. I'm totally supportive of people selecting and choosing lifestyle habits that best suit their needs and preferences, and this would fit that category."

"If someone eats more varieties of vegetables and fruits and engages in portion control of other foods, then this type of gluten-free living may elicit health benefits." he said.

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