New Jersey Moves To Include Menstrual Cramps As One Medical Marijuana Indication

First Posted: Apr 14, 2016 11:34 AM EDT

Women may soon smoke marijuana to relieve menstrual cramps. New Jersey could approve the use of medical marijuana to treat the condition experienced by women worldwide.

Representative Tim Eustace, Angelica Jimenez and L. Grace Spencer will propose to add menstrual cramps to the list of women's conditions that are approved to benefit from medical marijuanaEustace is the only male author of the law "marijuana for menstruation." He claimed that the inspiration came from Whoopi and Maya's new products for the treatment of menstrual cramps. He also claimed that the state has failed to acknowledge the impact of dysmenorrhea on women's wellness and productivity if denied access to a means of relieving their symptoms.

New Jersey is one of the cities across the United States that strictly limits medical marijuana programs. Gov. Chris Christie had expressed his disagreement to the program many times. The state's program has only approved 10 conditions and only 6,527 has been authorized since the registry opened. Menstrual cramps are not usually in the list of approved illnesses, even though the programs identify pain as a condition.

Men outnumber women in surveys which lead to the instant assumption that females are not willing to try medical marijuana, Forbes reported. Because of this, many of women's conditions are overlooked including endometriosis or dysmenorrhea.

The use of medical marijuana to treat menstrual cramps dates back to the Victorian Era. It has been legalized for all uses in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska and for medical use in almost 20 others, according to CBS News.

Several entrepreneurs in the U.S. are looking into cannabis to treat menstrual cramps. Aside from Whoopi and Maya, a company co-owned by Maya Elisabeth and Whoopi Goldberg, other entrepreneurs are feeding the growth of this multibillion dollar industry.

Elisabeth and Goldberg's collaboration has currently won seven awards in the High Times Cannabis Cup. They are one of the leading producers of medical marijuana products in California.

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