The Real Cause of Prince’s Death, What Some News Failed To Report

First Posted: May 05, 2016 06:00 AM EDT

On Wednesday, a Minneapolis lawyer for a California addiction doctor was on the limelight after he claimed that neither Dr Kornfeld nor his son met or spoke with Prince before he died last month.

The specialist Dr Howard Kornfeld, in a news report on The Guardian, did not immediately make it to Minnesota; instead, he sent his son, Andrew Kornfeld. Andrew Kornfeld, in a strange turn of events, called the police after joining Prince's staff to search for the missing singer. But the Kornfelds' lawyer, Attorney William Mauzy, asserted that neither had actually met Prince before his death.

On Wednesday, Attorney Mauzy told reporters that the rock star's team did call for Dr Howard Kornfeld on April 20, just a day before the music legend died. Because Dr Kornfeld was unable to make it from California to Minnesota right away, he sent for his son who cleared his morning schedule but never saw the singer as cited in a news report on BBC.

Working with his father but not actually a doctor by profession, Andrew Kornfeld arrived at the rock star's Paisley Park home but was told that Prince had gone missing. He joined Prince's staff in searching the property, and immediately made the emergency call upon finding the unresponsive body of the music legend.

Attorney Mauzy further said that the plan was to stabilize Prince in Minnesota before flying him to California for treatment. Andrew Kornfeld, as Mauzy confirmed, had been interviewed by police, but he was protected by Minnesota's Good Samaritan law, a law that offers legal protections to individuals making emergency calls, thus encouraging them to do so.

The cops are now trying to establish whether or not Dr Howard Kornfeld was on board with Prince when an emergency landing was made. After the plane stopped in Moline, Illinois, the musician was found unconscious on the plane. The detectives who are investigating Prince's death have checked out fire and ambulance records that are related to the emergency landing.

On Wednesday, it emerged that there were emergency calls from the Paisley Park complex forty-six times during the past 5 years. Minnesota authorities released a log showing the 911 called, which are related to everything from medical emergencies to false fire alarms. A call in 2011 is included in the log, which involves a woman who was truly concerned about the cocaine use of the rock star; nevertheless, no police action had been taken.

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