NASA, White House Promote Gender Equality, Obama Prefers Outreach, Environmental Science Than Space Exploration

First Posted: Jun 16, 2016 05:27 AM EDT

NASA became host to a summit yesterday, June 15 from 1 to 3 pm at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The assembly was for women in general who are in the direction of pursuing science, engineering, technology, academic or STEM programs and careers.

The White House Council stated that the assembly was a large-scale effort to rally advocates of gender equality, highlight accomplishments and identify enduring challenges to address and take action. The conference was aired live for two hours on NASA's website, The Daily Caller reported.

NASA announced that diverse female officials along with the Obama administration attended the event. The summit will help people who operate at the community level and identify actions on how they are able to empower women and girls. The statement also encourages people to follow the program on several social media networks. Other federal agencies that participated on the said event are the Department of Labour and Employment, as well as the Department of State.

Megan Smith, the U.S Chief Technology Officer participated in the discussion accompanied by the Administration Dava Newman, Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan, and other dignitaries who are working at the community level, NASA reported. The explicit goal of the conference is to rally the people together to celebrate the achievements and propose actions to be taken in moving forward. This includes all key gender equality issues that will make a significant difference in the future.

NASA has frequently experienced a reduction in budget for space exploration. The money was redirected by the United States President Barack Obama to outreach programs including women empowerment programs with climate modelling projects to evaluate the effect of global warming. Obama has increased NASA's funds by 63 percent for an outreach and environmental science program.

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