Larry King's Exclusive Interview With Stephen Hawking On Air Pollution, Global Warming & Where Artificial Intelligence Is Heading

First Posted: Jun 28, 2016 05:23 AM EDT

Dr. Stephen Hawking, one of the world's most brilliant thinkers and a famous scientist conversed with Larry King on "Larry King Now," which is an Emmy-nominated series about his perceptions on air pollution, global warming and where artificial intelligence is heading just recently.

 About 6 years ago, Dr. Hawking said in an interview with Larry King that mankind was in danger of destroying themselves by their greed and stupidity. Just recently, Larry King asked him if things went in better or worse since then.

"We certainly had not become less greedy or less stupid. Six years ago, I was worrying about air pollution and overcrowding. They had not been worse since then. The population has grown by half a billion since our last meeting with no ended sight, " stated Dr. Hawking.

He further said that air pollution has increased over the five years and more than 80 percent of inhabitants of urban areas are imperiled to the unsafe level of air pollution. He also said that the biggest problem facing humanity today is the increase in air pollution and the emissions of increasing level of carbon dioxide. This also includes the effect of air pollution on global warming.

In regards to where the artificial intelligence is heading to. Dr. Hawking has been warning people about the dangers of artificial intelligence. He explained that the governments seem to be engaged in designing planes and weapon with intelligent technologies. On the other hand, the funding for projects directly beneficial to human race such as improved medicals seems to be of lower priority.

He also stated that Ray Kurzweil's singularity theory is too simplistic. He thought that advances in artificial intelligence may not be benign. Dr. Hawking explained that once machines reach a critical stage of being able to evolve themselves they cannot predict whether their goals are same as the people.

So, how will artificial intelligence change the people? Dr. Hawking said that artificial intelligence will impact the economy, the decision making and the lives of people.

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