Animal Rights Activists Plead To Have Stronger Penalties To Animal Abusers In Costa Rica

First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 03:58 AM EDT

A toucan in Costa Rica was beaten by teenagers and lost its beak. Costa Rica animal rescue center located and save the toucan. Will it survive? It is said that the bird needs its beak to survive, so experts are doing they can make sure they can restore its beak.

Toucans are dependent on its beak for survival. They use it for several things like cleaning their bodies, controlling their body temperature, self-defense and mating rituals. Rescuers feared that this toucan cannot survive since, birds that lost their beaks were put down given that it will eventually die. Caretaker Ronald Sibaja, according to said: "She was really bad off when the toucan had been brought in, it just had a top beak that was a bloody stump."

Grecia, the name of the injured toucan has a different story. She held on and survive the abuse. Now, the challenge of the caretakers is to find her a new beak. With the help of dental and nanotechnology, experts volunteered to give Grecia a new beak using a 3D printer.

Experts from Rock Hill Company 3D system engineered the 3D prosthetic beak for Grecia. Scientists, doctors, and engineers all worked together to put back her lost beak. The beak was created in two parts, with the use of nylon. The longer part of the beak was secured with a pin and can be removed for cleaning purposes, while the upper part was stuck to the toucan's stamp. Her beak was not painted for it is a reminder of her "ghostly" past.  With this new prosthetic beak, Grecia was enabled to eat.

Astonished by Grecia's story, animal activists are hoping that the support for a new anti-animal abuse law will be implemented. They ask that the law will state harder penalties for the abusers and stricter protection for animals. Activists marched and forwarded their petition in San Jose for the bill "not to abuse animals" last Sunday. According to Christian Science Monitor, animal rights activist Juan Carlos Peralta said "Grecia motivated and moved our entire country to do more."

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