E-cigarettes: New Study Claims E-cigarettes Help Smokers Quit Their Addiction To A Great Extent

First Posted: Sep 14, 2016 04:30 AM EDT

A new study claims that use of e-cigarettes help smokers get rid of their smoking habit to a great extent. In fact, what's the best thing about using e-cigarettes is that it has no side effects on human health when used in the short- to medium-term.

The study conducted by researchers at the Cochrane Review found that use of e-cigarettes help people quit smoking and have no serious side-effects for up to two years. However, throat and mouth irritation were the most common non-serious side-effects linked to e-cigarettes. Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, a member of the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, said while they have evidence which proves e-cigarettes help people quit the bad habit and is also not harmful for health, more long term study is required to be sure, reported NBC News.

Another study conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL) and Cancer Research UK, found that more than 18,000 people in England quit smoking in 2015 after they started using e-cigarettes. For the study, the research team used data collected on 43,000 smokers between 2006 and 2015 from the Smoking Toolkit Study. Information on NHS Stop Smoking Services was acquired from the NHS Information Service.

The researchers claimed that as the study is an observational one, it does not prove direct cause and effect. However, the study found that as more people used e-cigarettes, more people also successfully stopped smoking. The researchers are of the view that quitting smoking adds almost nine extra years to a 40-year-old smoker's life.

Researcher Alison Cox said it's not easy for anybody to quit smoking. However, it's very important to remember that getting support from stop smoking services remains the most effective way to get rid off the addiction, reported The Independent.

Cox added that e-cigarettes can play a very crucial role in helping people quit smoking and the evidence so far shows e-cigarettes are much safer than tobacco. The study has showed how using e-cigarettes helped people give up the deadly addiction. The research findings have been published in the British Medical Journal.

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