Space Has ‘Nine Dimensions’ Containing Alternate Universes? Are Black Holes Portals To Them?

First Posted: Sep 23, 2016 05:07 AM EDT

Space is usually believed to be three-dimensional, however, a particle physics theory suggests that there are actually nine dimensions and black holes could be the gateway to reach alternate universes. Scientists from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Switzerland's CERN are reportedly trying to prove the theory.  

The researchers came up with the brane theory, based on string theory, which suggests that space has nine dimensions which could be hiding more universes. The team at CERN is searching for tiny black holes as evidence of extra dimensions.

'Brane theory suggests that the basic building blocks of nature, instead of being particles, can instead be planes, strings and higher dimensional generalizations collectively called branes," said Chris White, a physicist from London's Queen Mary University of London.  "The equations of string theory that necessarily includes branes, only make sense in 9 space dimensions, rather than the 3 we appear to observe."

To test the theory, according to White, the LHC could make microscopic black holes with extra dimensions of the right size that would leave traces of a highly noticeable burst of radiation in the detector, even if they decay fast. However, the proof of extra dimensions does not necessarily prove the brane theory, as per critics. In fact, as is the case with most theories, not all researchers are unanimous in the belief that there are other universes.

Irrespective of the critics, LHC is continuing with its search for small black holes and any new kind of particles. The researchers believe that positive results will be based on there being multi-dimensions or branes at just the right energy so they can be detected by the LHC. If extra dimensions are found, they could contain other universes as per the scientists. At the moment, no timeline has been predicted for finding the answers posed by the theory, or proving it.

If extra dimensions are found, they could contain other universes as per the scientists. At the moment, no timeline has been predicted for finding the answers posed by the theory, or proving it.

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