Physical Activity Could Lower The Risk Of Bacterial Infections, Study Says

First Posted: Sep 27, 2016 04:25 AM EDT

Having regular physical activity has lots of health benefits that include lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon and breast cancer, diabetes, some brain disorders, obesity, and depression. A new study reveals that having low and moderate physical activity could not only lower the risk of the said diseases but also lessen the risk of bacterial infection.

The study was published in the official journal of American College of Sports Medicine, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. In the study, it shows that the threat of upper respiratory tract viral infections is lessened with increased physical activity. On the other hand, there is little information regarding bacterial infections.

The researchers investigated the relationship between leisure-time physical activity and suspected bacterial infections. The study involved analyzing the data of the leisure-time physical activity of 18,874 Danes that was obtained from the 2007 and 2010 North Denmark Region Health Surveys. Meanwhile, the suspected bacterial infections were identified based on filled prescriptions for antibiotics.

The results indicated that having low leisure-time physical activity had a 10 percent lower risk of any suspected bacterial infection. What is more constructive was that having low and moderate levels of leisure-time physical activity had 21 percent and 32 percent reduction of suspected cystitis (urinary tract bacterial infections), respectively, compared with sedentary behavior. On the other hand, the suspected respiratory tract bacterial infections were not linked with physical activity level.

The leisure-time physical activity involves dancing, walking, cycling, gardening, swimming, and hiking. It is recommended that one should have leisure time physical activity at the aged of 18 to 64. This also includes other physical activities such as sports or planned exercise, occupational as in work, household chores, games, play and family and community activities. Adults with aged 18 to 64 must have at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity in a week. For vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, you must do at least 75 minutes in a week or an equal combination of both the vigorous and moderate- intensity activity.

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