Infection Outbreak In Colorado Linked To Raw Milk Intake

First Posted: Sep 27, 2016 05:17 AM EDT

Public health agencies issued an urgent warning for people to avoid drinking raw milk because the recent investigation concerning an outbreak infection was linked to it in Southern Colorado.

Reports stated that around 20 people were sent to the hospital for being sick immediately after drinking the raw milk supplied by the Larga Vista ranch in Pueblo County. However, health officials did not cite that the milk came from that ranch. The ranch also failed to answer calls and emails since Saturday since many people are asking their comment on the issue.

People who suffered from the infection was reported to suffer from abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and it can even be fatal. According to El Paso and Pueblo county health officials, the milk was distributed to members of a herd-share program where people are allowed to purchase stakes in livestock and receive a share of the animals' meat or milk, as reported by Washington Times.

Herd-share program is an exception to Colorado's law of illegal selling of raw milk. It has been proven that raw milk from animals contains all infectious bacteria that came from the animal and may be passed to whoever drinks it. Even El Paso County Public Health Dr. Christine Nevin-Woods warns people of the dangers of drinking raw, unpasteurized milk.

She said that many people have this notion that raw foods are healthier than processed ones. But the case of raw milk is extremely dangerous for anyone. The officials warn people especially those with weaker immune systems like children, infants, seniors, sick and pregnant women to avoid drinking or even buying raw milk.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posted on their website the risks of drinking raw milk since it carries harmful germs that can make a person very ill or may even be fatal to some extent. If the milk has not been processed, better to be safe by doing some basic processing easily at home.

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Heat the milk at 161 oF for 15 seconds
  2. Cool rapidly
  3. Handle with clean hands and equipment
  4. Store in clean container below 40 oF for longer life

These steps will ensure that disease-causing germs are killed. Always remember that smell, appearance, or taste of milk may not be affected by the presence of germs or bacteria so do not be confident with looks at all.

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