Nobel Prize for Discovering DNA is Put to Sale by Family of Scientist

First Posted: Feb 26, 2013 12:10 AM EST

In 1953, a terse paper entitled “Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids,” was published in the journal Nature. The world was never the same after that.

The authors, Francis Crick and James D. Watson, two molecular biologists, were met almost immediately with fame and success. And how couldn’t they? In their brief article they described DNA, the molecule in the cells of living things that determines their genetic characteristics. A feat of a lifetime.

They and a fellow researcher, Maurice Wilkins, won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1962. 

Now, 60 years later, Crick’s family is offering his gold Nobel medal and diploma for sale at auction.

Nobody has tried to sell a Nobel medal in 70 years, so nobody has a real idea what it’s worth. Heritage Auctions, which is organizing the sale, suggested an opening bid of $250,000. But how much would someone pay for history? The analysis of DNA was one of the great scientific accomplishments of the last century. What’s more, it’s cloaked in controversy; many historians and scientists say more credit ought to go to Rosalind Franklin, who did some of the measurements on which the Nature paper was based. (She died in 1958, before the prize was awarded; Crick lived until 2004.)

Crick’s family said a portion of the proceeds would go to the Francis Crick Institute, scheduled to open in London in 2015. The family said the new facility will be used in the search for cures for some of the world’s most devastating diseases.

 “This year marks the 60th anniversary of the historic discovery of the structure of DNA and 50 years have passed since Francis Crick was awarded the Nobel Prize,” said Kindra Crick, a granddaughter of the scientist, in a statement from the auction house.

“For most of that time, the Nobel Prize and the unique personal diploma have been locked up. By auctioning his Nobel it will finally be made available for public display and be well looked after. Our hope is that, by having it available for display, it can be an inspiration to the next generation of scientists.”

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