Fukushima Suffers From The Biggest Aftershock In Recorded History

First Posted: Nov 23, 2016 04:09 AM EST

Japan is yet again hit by a devastating earthquake of 7.4 magnitude. Fukushima’s east coast became the victim was a truck around 6 a.m. on Nov. 22 (Tuesday) local time. Warnings of tsunami were raised, and locals were advised to move to more elevated areas.

Waves were expected to be as high as 3 meters, but the highest experienced was measured to be around 1.4 meters only. The warnings were downgraded after a few hours. Tremors were felt from the coast to as far as Tokyo as a continuous series of aftershocks were reported, according to CNBC.

Fukushima Daini, the sister plant of Fukushima Daiichi that suffered a nuclear meltdown in 2011, stopped its operation 10 minutes after the quake hit but is reported to be safe and “intact.”

According to Japan Meteorological Society, different parts of Fukushima and Yamagata were again experienced tremors measuring of 1 and 2 magnitude. So far, 12 people were reported to have sustained injuries, including a woman who have been hurt when the cupboard fell over, according to NHK. In the initial report, it was claimed that no one was hurt by the earthquake.

“From my side, to the nation, we asked that proper and accurate information over the tsunami and the evacuation should be issued, and also to grasp and understand the condition of the damage as quickly as possible, and also to take proper emergency measures,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said. He also promised cooperation with the local government to deliver help to all affected areas.

The magnitude 9.0 quake in 2011 generated large aftershocks, which had an extended aftershock sequence. Therefore, this is an activity seen in that part of the globe.

Japan Meteorological Society agrees that what happened was an “aftershock” from the Japan’s 2011 earthquake, where 12,000 died and 6,000 were left injured.

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