Why Defunding Of NASA’s Climate Change Science A Huge Mistake?

First Posted: Nov 25, 2016 03:21 AM EST

President Elect Donald Trump has promised some sweeping changes such as tightening immigration procedures and providing more jobs for Americans. This perhaps tilted the votes in his favor to give him a thumping majority in the electoral battle.

A piece of news trickling in about imminent policy changes to climate change science has not been heartening in the least. One of Trump's advisers told media that the government will defund NASA's climate research division, reported Extreme Tech. This is because the Trump team always harped on NASA's climate change endeavors as mere political propaganda.

Impact of Defunding on NASA's Climate Change Science

According to The Conversation, organizations under NASA, for instance, Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, have made groundbreaking strides in understanding human influences on the Earth's climate. This research would not have seen the light of day in the absence of funding by the U.S. government.

While these organizations are contributing their mite to make the Earth a better place to live in, defunding NASA's climate change science is a step retrograde. Nothing moves without funds; therefore, defunding could choke major strides in the realm of climate change.

Why Defunding NASA's Climate Change is a Bad Idea

NASA is the last word on what happens on Earth and beyond. NASA's many satellites keep vigil and record vital parameters of Earth's atmosphere, temperature, weather, climate, pollution and alterations in land and sea. Effectively, NASA has a complete grip on what is happening to our planet Earth. This includes present conditions and future predictions.

If funding is stopped, it is anybody's guess how such important and crucial climate decisions will come to a standstill jeopardizing human life in unimaginable ways.

Millions of dollars are already pumped into these projects. Further, climate change scientists working with NASA are some of the best brains in the world. When such a well-established wing of NASA is defunded, the scientists will obviously look out for greener pastures.

Clearly, this is a loss to the country as well as to the overall vision of NASA's Climate Change Team.

See Now: NASA's Juno Spacecraft's Rendezvous With Jupiter's Mammoth Cyclone

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