MDMA News: Will Ectasy Be Made Legal By 2021?

First Posted: Dec 02, 2016 05:37 AM EST

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the proposed trials for MDMA to be used as medical treatment.

The New York Times reported that aside from inducing euphoria on people in music and dance festivals, Ecstasy can apparently be used as treatment for people with severe psychological and emotional damage. This opens the door to MDMA legalization following the widespread of legal medical marijuana use.

Large-scale, phase 3 clinical trials sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies will reportedly be conducted involving 230 patients. This will be the final step in requesting for FDA's approval for MDMA to be finally considered as a prescription drug by 2021.

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies -- which is known to advocate medical use of MDMA, LSD, marijuana and other government-banned drugs -- has already sponsored phase 2 studies that have treated a total of 130 PTSD patients in Charleston.

The trials used MDMA to medicate combat veterans, victims of sexual assault, police and fireghters with PTSD who did not respond to psychotherapy and traditional prescription drugs with an average span of 17 years. By the end of the trials, two thirds of the PTSD patients were reportedly treated.

With its euphoric effects on the brain's amygdala -- which is responsible for emotional processing -- MDMA or Ecstasy may help relieve those who have gone through major traumas that caused psychological and emotional disorders.

"Prior to its placement into the most restrictive category of drug regulation in the US and internationally, uncontrolled published reports suggested that the substituted phenethylamine 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), when administered in conjunction with psychotherapy, could yield substantial benefits for those afflicted with a variety of disorders," researchers explained in the Journal of Psychoparmacology.

Furthermore, MDMA does not have hallucinogenic effects as strong as LSD, which makes it a better choice for medicine.

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