Marijuana News: Drink Cannabis-Infused Coffee, Tea Or Cocoa With This New Product

First Posted: Dec 08, 2016 05:32 AM EST

Good news for marijuana users! Potheads can finally drink their own choice of coffee, tea or cocoa infused with THC or CBD in the near future!

Westword reported that cannabis company BrewBudz is marrying caffeine to marijuana in its new set of "high-quality" products. The brand is currently developing 100 percent compostable Keurig-compatible cups without any inch of anti-environmental plastic.

Although the product feels and looks like it is made of plastic, the bottom of these cups is made up of soft mesh material, and the lids are made up of coffee bean skin. According to BrewBudz Vice President Jeffry Paul, the coffee bean's skin, which is known as "chafe," comes off when it is processed. Thus, the company uses it to make the cup.

A 10 mg THC is infused to each pod for recreational cannabis users, while 25 to 50 mg of CBD is available for medical cannabis users. What makes the company more considerate is that it is also using sativa-dominant strains with coffee and caffeinated tea and indica strains with chamomile and nighttime teas.

In fact, this product itself is a flower-based edible, which means the product is entirely made up of the plant mixed with coffee, cocoa or tea.

This sounds exciting for those who wake and bake along with their choice of beverage in the morning. Coffee, cocoa and tea drinkers would not need to waste time shredding weed and rolling a joint for them to start their everyday ritual.

"It's an opportunity to bring together two different rituals in life," Paul told Westword. "Drinking coffee or tea is something that's part of your every day.... There's also a ritual for marijuana, whether it's medicinal or recreational."

Upon learning the "impressive" benefits of medical marijuana, Paul said it was important for them to think about medical marijuana patients in creating this product as well.

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