CBD Oil, Marijuana And All Other Cannabis Products Are Federally Illegal; New DEA Classification Code For CBD Oil

First Posted: Dec 17, 2016 03:00 AM EST

According to the Federal register of Dec. 14, 2016, a new code has been introduced, which classified CBD oil as an extract of cannabis plant as illegal. The code reflects that CBD oil is similar to marijuana and the DEA can monitor its transport and supply, apart from marijuana. This also included the CBD oil derived from hemp, which is a plant of the cannabis genus but a different species.

According to Chuck Rosenberg, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Acting Administrator, "This code will allow DEA and DEA-registered entities to track quantities of this material separately from quantities of marijuana." The register entry explains itself as a means to "bring the US into compliance with international drug-control treaties," Leafly reported.

It also points out no major changes in the existing rules have been made. The register is just a means to clarify and reinforce the exact position of the DEA on all cannabis extracts, including CBD oil. The notice clearly states that, "Extracts of marijuana will continue to be treated as Schedule I controlled substances."

CBD oil derived from hemp also falls under the same category. Presently, the hemp-derived oil is easily available in the market under the assumption that cannabidiol products that contain THC below the legal threshold percentage (0.3 percent or less) are technically legal. The new rules imposed now do not agree to this. On this issue, Rosenberg said, "For practical purposes, all extracts that contain CBD will also contain at least small amounts of other cannabinoids."

The agency also made it clear that the rule is applicable for "extracts that have been derived from any plant of the genus Cannabis and which contain cannabinols and cannabidiols."

Eric Steenstra, Executive Director, Hemp Industries Association, commented that, "This isn't how [the DEA] goes about scheduling a substance." As reported by Ganjapreneur, he also further said that, "If you look at it, it's all about marijuana extracts and my take on it is that they probably have come across a lot more extracts over the last few years...and they keep track of this stuff."

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