Aliens Are Trying To Communicate With Humans? Fast Radio Burst Signals From Deep Space Detected

First Posted: Dec 24, 2016 02:29 AM EST

Mysterious fast radio burst signals were detected by Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Astronomers have identified that the source of these signals lies somewhere in the deep space. This event has again stirred the conspiracy theory, according to which the signals are a way through which aliens are trying to communicate with humans.

Numerous Series of Fast Radio Burst Signals Since 2007

According to scientists and astronomers, the series of six radio signal outbursts came from the Auriga constellation, which lies around 3 billion lightyears away from Earth.

However, this particular series of outbursts was not an isolated event. It was preceded by 18 previously recorded fast radio burst signals that have already been recorded since 2007. The radio signals last for a few milliseconds, but they contain huge amount of energy.

Fast Radio Burst Signals are Coded Messages from Aliens

According to some experts, these signals are generated by intelligent extraterrestrial life forms and they may contain coded messages or signals. However, this theory is rejected by many, and it is said that the radio signals may be the outcome of cosmic events, like stellar collision or solar flares coming from a neutron star, or the collapse of the hyper-dense core of a larger star, Sputnik reported.

John Learned, a physicist at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Michael Hippke, an astronomer at the Institute for Data Analysis, recently published a scientific article regarding the possible sources of these radio signal outbursts and explained that the waves are repetitive and show consistency in its dispersion measure.

This may be an indication that the fast radio burst signals are originating from a superdense star whose physics allows regular bursts of radio waves. It may also come from a human-built spy satellite, which disguises its radio transmissions so that they appear as if the signals are transmitted from deep space, according to MINA.

However, the conspiracy theory of the origin of fast radio burst signals from intelligent aliens life prevails, and it indicates the existence of civilization that is probably advanced enough to transmit high-energy radio waves.

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