Microbes Fossil on Mars? Winnsboro Man Claims He Saw it First in 2004

First Posted: Mar 15, 2013 12:50 AM EDT

The result of tests carried out by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Martian rocks is suggesting that the red planet might have harbored not only the conditions for life, but life itself in the form of some microbes.

While scientists found this discovery a major breakthrough, a Winnsboro man is claiming he has known it for a fact, for 9 nine years now.

"I'm certain that life existed on Mars in the past,” said Sir Charles Shults, a Martin Marietta Aerospace veteran who worked on weapons systems and computer based automated test equipment.

Shults claims he has the picture proof to back up that assertion.

"When you see a picture of an elephant, you know you’re looking at an elephant. At some point you have to lower your guard and take the next leap," said Shults.
Sometime in 2004, Shults said, he requested and obtained – under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) – a couple hundred-thousand images from NASA’s Mars rover. After analyzing them, he added, first discovered life on the planet.

"I found very definite signs of aquatic fossils in many of the images and the chemistry and physics support it," says Shults.

NASA announced earlier this week that a rock sample taken by Curiosity found evidence of sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and carbon. Those are some of the key chemical ingredients for life.

"A fundamental question for this mission is whether Mars could have supported a habitable environment. From what we know now, the answer is yes," said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program.

“It shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody,” Shults said.

"Earth and Mars were formed from the same materials in our solar system at the same time. They have nearly identical chemistrys. It shouldn't surprise anyone that the quantities and qualities of the minerals and the chemistry present in those two worlds are the same," said Shults.

Shults launched a CD called "A Fossil Hunter's Guide to Mars" where, he claims, “ you can see for yourself images collected and the proof that there are ancient fossils on Mars.”

"I can't prove anything to anyone if they don't want to see it. I can't educate everybody unless they choose to learn for themselves. I can only present what my findings are and solid links to the fact of their truths," he continued.

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