Nevada Pot Legalization: Sixth State to Push Decriminalization of Drug, Lawmakers Preach Benefits of Marijuana

First Posted: Mar 15, 2013 09:44 AM EDT

For those looking to get a hit in Nevada, there's good news-a new pot legalization bill at the state-level is pushing the sales for cannabis.

This pot legalization proposal in Nevada makes it the sixth state to push for decriminalizing weed, and lawmakers in the jurisdiction seem more than emphatic about the idea of legal pot in Vegas.

Assemblyman Joe Hogan (D-Las Vegas) is introducing legislation today for the Nevada pot legalization bill, but without the standard disclaimers about how legalizing pot is no big deal and a minor consideration - Hogan quite bravely sung the praises of dope, saying government has "wasted a tremendous amount of money spoiling teen-agers lives, chasing them around until we can arrest them for something," according to The Inquisitor.

For the lawmakers introducing the bill, they're preaching the benefits of the plant, adding that "marijuana is not just a harmless plant"..."the medical benefits are remarkable." Hogan didn't even deny puffing the magic dragon, saying casually that he'd welcomed toking up but hadn't often gotten the chance - he says that "maybe 45 years ago someone gifted me a few puffs, but I have not been a user at all."

Nevada pot legalization would be the latest step for America toward a legal dope market, as medical marijuana dispensaries have been a booming economic boon to California for some time now.

We're certainly not suggesting that these half-baked ideas will make Nevada or other states want to jump on the bandwagon towards legalizing this stuff, but then again, you never know. 

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