Scientists Prove Mathematician's Theory On The Existence Of God

First Posted: Jan 23, 2017 04:40 AM EST

A mathematician's theory suggesting that there is a higher power over all existence has been confirmed by scientists.

Express UK reported that scientists have proven the existence of God after calculating the equation left by Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel when he died in 1978. The complex equation, which was derived from modal logic, supports Dr. Gödel's theory that there is no higher power other than God that can be conceived, and His existence can be manifested through a person's belief.

Computer scientists Christoph Benzmüller from Berlin's Free University and Bruno Woltzenlogel from Paleo of the Technical University in Vienna ran Dr. Gödel's complicated equations in a computer and were astounded by what modern technology could do.

Dr. Godel's equation goes as follows:

Ax. 1. {P(φ)∧◻∀x[φ(x)→ψ(x)]} →P(ψ)

Ax. 2.P(¬φ)↔¬P(φ)Th. 1.P(φ)→◊∃x[φ(x)]Df. 1.G(x)⟺∀φ[P(φ)→φ(x)]

Ax. 3.P(G)Th. 2.◊∃xG(x)Df. 2.φ ess x⟺φ(x)∧∀ψ{ψ(x)→◻∀y[φ(y)→ψ(y)]}

Ax. 4.P(φ)→◻P(φ)Th. 3.G(x)→G ess xDf. 3.E(x)⟺∀φ[φ ess x→◻∃yφ(y)]

Ax. 5.P(E)

Th. 4.◻∃xG(x)

"It's totally amazing that from this argument led by Gödel, all this stuff can be proven automatically in a few seconds or even less on a standard notebook," Benzmüller told Spiegel Online.

Dr. Kurt Gödel was born in Austria-Hungary (presently Czech city of Brno) on April 28, 1906 and studied at the University of Vienna. When the World War II broke out, he moved to the United States and worked at Princeton where he met the renowned scientist and close friend Albert Einstein.

Both a mathematician and a logician, Dr. Kurt Gödel came up with one of the most important mathematical discoveries of the 20th century: The Incompleteness Theorem. According to Kurt Gödel, "Anything you can draw a circle around cannot explain itself without referring to something outside the circle - something you have to assume but cannot prove."

However, with the use of a MacBook, which obviously was not available during his years, Benzmüller and Woltzenlogel were able to prove what Dr. Kurt Gödel assumed.

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