Scientists Explain How God Parted The Red Sea For Moses

First Posted: Jan 31, 2017 03:36 AM EST

While skeptics have labeled the biblical parting of the Red Sea chronicled in the Book of Exodus as fictitious, Russian oceanographers have proven in their calculations that the miraculous story was naturally possible.

Express UK reported that the astounding biblical event of God making a dry way for Israelites to cross the Red Sea has been supported by a scientific explanation. Naum Volzinger from St. Petersburg's Institute of Oceanography and his Hamburg-based colleague Alexei Androsov ran the calculations proving that the mysterious phenomenon, which occurred 3,500 years ago, had indeed happened.

As written in the Bible, God had commanded Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt when they stopped by the sea shore. This terrified the Israelites as the pharaoh's chariots and soldiers were coming after them. Then happened one of the biggest miracles ever recorded in history:

"Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land. So the people of Israel walked through the middle of the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!" -- Exodus 14:21-22

According to the Russian duo, the powerful gust of wind must have had a speed of 67 miles per hour for it to expose the sea bed overnight. Moreover, they theorized that the Red Sea would have been much shallower during that time than what it is today.

"It would take the Jews -- there were 600,000 of them -- four hours to cross the seven kilometre reef that runs from one coast to another," Volzinger told the Moscow Times. "Then, in a half-hour, the waters would come back."

Despite their calculations, Volizinger pointed out that there should still be some divine intervention for such miraculous phenomenon to happen. "I am convinced that God rules the Earth through the laws of physics," he added.

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