How Much Is Too Much? People Must Set Limits To Their Facebook Likes And Posts

First Posted: Feb 06, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Facebook has become the respite for people who often lack real friends in their lives. Such people are addicted to making frequent Facebook updates and hitting like for the posts made by others. Recent studies made by scientists suggest that Facebook use has turned into an addiction, which is often harmful for the physical and mental health of people.

Thomas Valente, professor of preventive medicine in Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, said  that, "Social media activity and communication over social networking sites is beneficial, but too much probably gets you in trouble."

A study made by Holly Shakya, from the global health at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, and Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, director of the Human Nature Lab at Yale University, indicated that people who regularly "Like" Facebook posts are more likely to suffer from health complications, while those who make frequent updates on their Facebook profile are more likely to have mental ailments, Live Science reported.

The study findings that were published in the American Journal of Epidemiology also indicated that though people addicted to Facebook use had higher BMI values, there are no indications that Facebook is may be the cause behind it.

In the meantime, The Independent reported the findings of yet another research study based on the cause and consequences of excessive Facebook usage, which indicated that people who make regular post about their fitness routine are more likely to become narcissists.

The study made by a group of researchers at Brunel University, London, revealed that such people are "addicted to attention and esteem."

The researchers concluded that, "Narcissists more frequently updated about their achievements, which was motivated by their need for attention and validation from the Facebook community."

These study results are contradicting few other previously published studies, which indicated that accepting more friend requests on Facebook was coherent with increased longevity. Furthermore, people who are unable to socialize in traditional ways, either due to old age or diseases, benefited from Facebook usage and were more happier than before.

What people can do is maintain a healthy balance between online and offline lives, to make the best of both worlds.

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